How to do facial at home ? | Mary Love

Step 1: Cleanse

Gently remove anything that’s on your skin. Don’t use hot water and do not scrub. Wash your skin like you would fine china.⠀

Step 2: Scrub

In a bowl, thoroughly mix one ounce of vinegar (ideally apple cider vinegar, my favorite is Bragg) with three tablespoons of baking soda.⠀

Use this mixture as a gentle scrub. Start in slow, polishing circles from your décolletage up toward your neck, getting more from the bowl as necessary. Move all the way to the top of your head, but avoid your eye socket area. Again, be gentle!⠀

Allow the mixture to sit on your face for 1 to 2 minutes, and then remove it fully with room temperature water.⠀

Step 3: Tone

Use witch hazel or your favorite toner on a cotton pad (gauze if you have it), and press onto all the treated skin.⠀

Step 4: Mask

Mix two tablespoons of plain yogurt (ideally Greek yogurt, but any plain variation will work) with one teaspoon of honey (ideally raw, and local, but they all work).⠀

Apply your yogurt mask all over your décolleté, neck and face in the same order or pattern as you applied the scrub. Leave on for approximately 20 minutes or until the mask is dry to the touch.⠀

Step 5: Your regular skincare routine

It may only be a moisturizer or you may have three steps. Whatever you choose, make sure to use a decent amount of each product, massaging them onto your skin and taking approximately 30 to 60 seconds between each step.

#facial #femaleentrepreneur #selfcare #selflove

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