A great man Nelson Mandela
Mandela Day was established to inspire people to embrace democratic values and contribute to the ideals of ensuring a just and fair society. Nelson Mandela Day was first proposed by President Jacob Zuma in 2009 to inspire a nationwide campaign to engage the public in charitable activities. #nelsonmandeladay #philantrophy #shopsundae #mondaywisdom #raiseup #dowhatisright #sparkchange #changetheworldwithme #wehavethepower #nelsonmandelaquotes #actionagainstpoverty #madibaday #martinlutherkingquotes #mandelaquotes #malcomxquotes #mandelamonth #mandeladay2020 #nelsonmandeladay2020 #mandela100 #nelsonmandeladay2018 #nelsonmandeladay2019 #nelsonmandeladay2017 #nelsonmandeladay2016 #nelsonmandeladay2015 #nelsonmandeladay2014 #nelsonmandeladaydenver #nelsonmandeladaymarathon #nelsonmandeladaynmcf #nelsonmandeladaypadsdrive