Online reviews from your customers allows any business owner to assess and audit their business.
Also, your customers reviews heavily affecting the purchase decision of your target customers, so it is really important to take these reviews seriously.
Influencing consumer decisions
72% of your target customers always check the review of the products they want to purchase. Their decision on purchasing rely on the review and comments of previews customers.
Product Visibility
On of the most important aspects and benefits of reviews id your product visibility on search engine such as Google. Reviews improve the ranking of your website as well as offer visibility of your social media pages.
Improvement of Customer Service
Analyzing reviews from your customers allows you to assess which part of your marketing and customer handling that needs to be improved. Remember, the goal is to gain your customer”s trust and convert them as your brand advocate.
Credibility and Social Proof
One of the cemented benefit of review is to build credibility for your business. The trust on your brand is one of the determining factor why your customers will buy your products or services.
Customer Engagement
Reviews give an impression that your business is customer centered. When customers take time to leave a good review on your business, it only means that they value your business and they want to be value by you.