What are sales funnels and how to use them!

The term “sales funnel” may be new to you especially when you just started your own business venture in the entrepreneurship field. 🤔🤷‍♀️ One would be either confused or ignore the idea of sales funnel because they think they do not need it – whatever sales funnel is.⠀

Well, here’s where they are wrong.⠀

Sales funnel are significant in the field of business because they take your customers on a journey of the buying process. 😲 Proper sales funnel can turn your website visitors into subscribers and from subscribers, they can turn into customers of clients.⠀

There are several phases of a sales funnel:⠀
✅ Awareness : your potential customers start to become aware of your services or products.⠀
✅ Interest : potential customers become interested in your service or product.⠀
✅ Evaluation : potential customers will start to compare your product to other competitors.⠀
✅ Decision : potential customers decide to make a purchase.⠀
✅ Purchase : potential customers become actual customers.⠀

This process may sound entirely easy but it will take time and of course, interest when it comes to customers whether they like your product or not. 😊👍 Hence, the importance of marketing strategy in a business.⠀

What do you think of the sales funnel? Comment it down below!⠀

#business #entrepreneurship #salesfunnel

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