All instagram stories on ONE In-Page

Instagram stories has taken the Instagram game on a higher level. πŸ“±πŸ‘ŒπŸ» It has become useful, not only for social media users, but to business owners as well. Most users share their content on their Stories more often than in their feed. The amazing thing here is, Stories disappear after 24 hours, unless you want them highlighted on your profile. πŸ€”β €
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WithΒ @instagram’s beta testing, they tried to create Stories available to view, not just in one row, but in a whole giant block. 😲 The users’ responses vary from positive and negative reactions because, well, not all people wants a whole page of Stories on their feed. Others prefer it due to accessibility. πŸ˜ƒβ €
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Instagram has yet to announce if they are going to push through with this update but let us know your comments about this down below and tell us which one you prefer: the usual one row Stories or all Stories in a page? β €
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